Tuesday, March 08, 2005

Defining Solitude

When I was telling Niyati about how I feel that Music and Poetry are two of the best companions one can have, something struck a chord in me. I think the real culprit, causing boredom, and escalating loneliness, is sheer laziness.

In general, when I feel bored, I look for a book (ebooks are slightly painful... when I say book, I refer to the paper ones). If I don't have an interesting one, I turn to my comp and start playing whichever RPG or Strategy game I'm currently obsessed with. If there is no game that can hold my interest at the moment, I idly browse the web. I look at my skates and think about setting out, but drop the idea for lack of company. I might pick up my cell phone and call or sms someone for no reason at all. I might even try to do my project work. But the net result, usually, is simply that I end up feeling dead bored. And lonely.

Why do I not turn to the one thing that has been my constant companion while growing up? Words. I mean, in the written form. I love to write. Poetry; Articles; Essays; Plays; Short Stories; even tried to write a novel! Laziness, with a capital L. If only I pick up the pen and start writing something, I'll get engrossed in it and I won't even feel time flowing. But I have to pick up the pen first.

Or why not just listen to some music? There are infinite bands to check out, recommended by various friends. I just have to make the effort to search for them and download them. There's nothing I can't find on the IIT LAN.

So having realized what I'm doing wrong, you might think that the problem is half solved. But you're wrong: such things don't apply to lazy people.

But, that's not what I really wanted this post to be about.

I define Solitude as the state of mind wherein one keenly feels the lack of company. This is very different from defining it simply as the lack of Human company.

You are not alone when you're reading a book.

You are not alone when you're listening to a song you like.

You are not alone when you're writing: be it poetry or prose.

You are not alone when you're going for an evening stroll: Nature is with you. The stars and the trees... and if you're in IIT, the deer.

You are not alone when you're sleeping or meditating: the whole world is with you.

You are alone if you are left with nothing but your thoughts. Your thoughts are you. You can't keep yourself company! Thats why the worst thing possible is to be alone AND depressed. It can only lead to a feedback loop of MORE depression and MORE loneliness!

I guess this is why kids have their own imaginary friends. Not me, though... even though I had few close friends, I had loads of books to read!



Anonymous said...

radha here... the loneliness that you described ,i ve felt that a lot of times too... generally even amidst a crowd of people... solitude is beautiful,its that which you feel on a rainy evening when you are all alone at home with a favourite book and tv all to yourself, but lonelines is hmmm not good....but often i ve noticed that its generally caused due to some worry which is not in the top of the mind right now but nevertheless leaves its distaste. sometimes even finding the reason makes one feel better.... but boredom and laziness is a vicious combo. we feel so bored but yet so lazy to get out of it!!!!

Prashanth said...


Exactly! You can feel lonely even when there are people around... you can feel as though there is someone to share your joy and your pain even when there is no one physically present with you.. thats why I made the definition in that fashion.

Your last sentence... nice way of putting it! Yeah, thats what I meant, too.

Niyathi said...
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Niyathi said...

Hey Prashanth..loneliness is no doubt, as you've said, terrible.But not when you have music playin in the background or with a book in hand or when you're even pennin a poem or somethin..all true as you've mentioned.:)
But my thoughts always turn out to be my best companion wherever I'm..they sorta help ya live in a world of your own n you really don't feel lonely ya know:)

Prashanth said...


Then you are really lucky ra :(

Such things only happen to me when I'm thinking about something I read or when I'm thinking about something I want to write. In general my brain is very bad company :((

If my thoughts are such bad company to myself, maybe they're bad company to others as well? Depressing thought.

The Ignoramus said...

Hey Zombie...
Universally, we seem to like solitude...but not loneliness. I have been wondering why we try to escape loneliness. Why do we try to get involved in something rather than feel the loneliness completely...if I may say enjoy the loneliness. Taking your definition of loneliness, why does a human being try to run away from his thoughts?

Any thoughts on these? Would like to know them.

Prashanth said...

@ RamSubs

Hmmm... I guess I can answer the latter question...

Our thoughts are our respite, our escape from the harsh world. Yet, there are occasions when the reverse happens... our thoughts dwell on those very realities. Thats when we need to get away from them. Equally bad is when our thoughts are blank ... not in a good way, like in meditation, but in a bad way, like in boredom. Thats also when we need something other than our own thoughts.

Anonymous said...

Akanksha here... what u probably feel is lonelisness not solitude... loneliness might lead to solitude but its defintely not the same... solitude is beautiful... its the time when ur thoughts r with u.... u r with urself(n thts very rare!)... yes they dwell on the harsh realities of the world...but they r the only means to find ur way out of it... they r the only way to find ur lost identity.. an identity that was lost n supressed by expectations, judgements n combat... go deeper into ur thoughts... there's a whole new world out there... very honest, very pure, very true....
here's a little sth i wrote long time back.. thought would be apt here...
u talk about the joy of love n care
i wonder if the answer to my existence lies in there
into the dark n windy night i stare
the bliss of solitude shadows all despair

Anonymous said...
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Prashanth said...

Okie... I guess a redefinition is called for. LONELINESS as the state of mind wherein one keenly feels the lack of company. Solitude is being by oneself, physically - as in without human company. I guess that makes the post okay now. Of course, it requires a title change as well :p

Prashanth said...


Great poem AJ! You should write more often!!

Anonymous said...

hey... thanks for considering my comment... though i think the title is still very apt.. 'Defining Solitude'...i mean thats what we r doing... that was my idea of defining solitude!!

i gen write four line verses only... havent written many though... just started this sem... will send u some of my favourites sometime!

Anonymous said...

hey... i read a few of ur poems... u know the best thing about them is that they r very honest n written frm the heart.. i really loved every single day n drown me with words... i still have many more to read... indeed poetry is a beautiful expression... u r right... probably i should try n write more often