Monday, April 23, 2007

It happens...

Have fun, says the Doc

After being laid low for what seems like ages by an illness, the doctors finally diagnosed it and have begun treatment. Essentially the conversation went something like, "You have a somewhat rare condition but we've identified it and there are effective ways to treat this. By the way, have you been under a lot of emotional stress lately?"

Damn! Why do these doctors ask questions to which they already know the answers? Apparently my condition is heavily linked to stress, and I've been advised to take things easy in life, have more fun and avoid stress. It's a rather bizarre prescription to give a patient who is yet to hit his 24th birthday, made even worse by 2 facts:
a) I've actually noticed that my health takes a dip when my personal life pendulum swings away from "Balmy" and towards "Crisis"
b) Asking me not to worry about things is like asking a fire to be cold or ice to be warm. I mean, some people are natural worriers, capiche?

So although you may think I've been told the best possible thing by my doc - the license to have fun - the truth is, I have to face the fact that I may have a relapse if I'm not careful about as little a thing as what's on my mind!

How personal is personal?

I make no bones about the fact that this is a personal blog. I'll never win a popularity contest, with the kinds of things you will read on this blog. I'll bet many of you squirmed in your chairs when I admitted to being reduced to tears, a couple of posts ago. I know, most people don't want to know such things about me. But I take the word "personal" very literally, and treat this blog almost like a diary. I do draw the line somewhere - for instance, I've never talked about the recent personal crisis that might have been responsible for aggravating my health problems. And yet, if you read this blog, you are sharing my life. Many who read this are already good friends of mine; but a quick look at my site and feed statistics tells me that there are a few regular readers who I've never had the occasion to say hello to. I'm glad such readers exist. In sharing my life, I'm sharing my life's lessons; and if anybody benefits from that, I'm a happy man.

From Skeletor to He-Man!

Having taken a long vacation to recuperate, I'm now left with a challenging target. See, I lost a good deal of weight - an unbelievable number, actually - over the past couple of months because of my disorder, and a few weeks ago I was naught but skin drawn over a skeleton. I think fondly upon the summers when I went to the fitness club regularly and even succeeded in not looking like a studious geek. To get back to that kind of shape is going to be incredibly hard, given the current condition of my muscles and joints. I ought not even think about a treadmill for at least a month. It's an interesting challenge: let us see then, how far I will succeed in this by the time I have to return to the US.



Anonymous said...

You got the squirming part right.You did make me wonder how you can give away so much of yourself to the part of the world that you dont know. I believe I would fall into that category of 'regular readers ' who u know exist but know no particulars of.
I do wish you a speedy recovery and a fun-fast path to becoming he-man!

Tipsy Topsy said...

Making all lazy people stand up and give attendance.. present sir! dunno if u count me in people u know who read the blog or unknown regular visitors...

Have been hoping for ur getting well soon, just never got around to communicating it to u. Take good care of urself and yes, try n chill!

Artful Badger said...

Ah good so you are back again...
So what was the problem? It must have been pretty serious for you to be down for such a long time..
I don't think stress is necessarily a bad thing as it makes life more interesting but too much of it is a pain in the ass...

sushama said...

Get well soon Prashanth. Hope whatever is bothering you to keep u down for soo long dilutes away and make way to more fun and stressfree life.
Looks like the "regular readers" who u never had a chance to say hello to - are coming out of the veils , and Im one of them...regular but unknown. But anyways I look forward to your regular postings at the same time wishing u get back to US safe and healthy.


Prashanth said...

Thank you! I'll take all the good wishes I can get :)
I don't mind baring things in this public space because I like to put my soul into everything I do, and holding back on my writing and hiding behind a veneer of anonymity feels like cooking with half the required ingredients.

I didn't ask for attendance, and you're faaar from "unknown"! Don't worry, I know you still lurk around here even if you don't leave comments. Just keep coming!

It was kinda serious... lost an entire semester and I'll need the full summer to recover. And I don't file work-related risk-taking under "stress" !

I confess, I already know you come here regularly and I visit your blog as well. I just didn't want to pop in on your blog suddenly with a "BOO!" :)
Anyway, thank you for the wishes, I really appreciate it.

Sakshi said...

I guess I fall into the in between category here..

Anyways, Take care.

Artful Badger said...

Anyway, make the most of it and have a nice summer in India.
You know, I would kill for a few months in India.

Anonymous said...

Hi Prashanth, this is my first time on your blog, but I have been going through something similar for the past year..a stress induced trigger of an auto immune disorder..

Believe me, chronic stress does have a very bad effect on your system.. and while taking time off might help you resolve the short term stress, it might be useful to think carefully about what exactly is causing so much stress in your life, and if it is worth what you are going through. Try to make life changes..and perhaps a semester off might be the best time to think about the changes you might want to make..

Good luck, and have faith in the power of medicine. It can work wonders.

(sorry about the out-pouring..and advice from random stranger..)

Prashanth said...

Long time! Will start dropping by your blog again now that I'm better!

Dear Stranger,
Ouch! Stress-triggered autoimmune disorder is exactly what my condition is. After my Mom spilled the beans on my introverted lifestyle, my doctor started counseling me on how to live my life, too! Fortunately, I have taken four months off to get well and think about the things he said. I've already taken drastic steps to put a full stop to a couple of personal problems that have tested my limits periodically over the years. Can't say more than that on this public space, but thank you for your thoughts and advice, I've been thinking on the same lines myself.

Vc said...

:) comeon the wizard never gives up..does he....psst me off to read the short story...

Anonymous said...

Stress is caused primarily due to having a high expectation of someone, something or yourself and that expectation not being met.

It can be eliminated only by cutting off the root, i.e. expectation from yourself or the world. This cannot happen in one day, but requires repeated thinking about the triviality of it all. After such practice, once this knowledge settles in firmly in the mind, there can be no stress. Life will be blissful :)

The_Girl_From_Ipanema said...

Hey Prashanth,
1) It's good to see someone who's totally comfortable with himself and has no qualms posting about incidents that reveal very personal details.

2) It's really good to see you are making a recovery and taking stock of things. I wish you a speedy recovery, a great comeback, and lots of good wishes to keep up resolves and habits to stay in good health. :-). I was quite concerned when I read your earlier posts regarding your health. take care and best wishes.

Born a Libran said...

Dude, take care... Having a positive attitude helps even in the time of crisis... Emotionally or physically... Having a good social support group helps the former too... Anyways, no more philosophy from me... just take care dude..

Prashanth said...

Well, what did you think about the story?

That was quite profound... I had to read it three times to understand it! I kind of agree with you. Kind of :)

That's really sweet of you. Thank you!

I will! I know you're really busy right now, will catch up with you soon.