Wednesday, March 28, 2007

It's settled, then

I'm dropping the semester and going home to recover from the battering my health has taken.

Will continue to be in touch with ye all, and will continue to blog. Cheerio!



Anonymous said...

home is not in distant india is it?

get well, looking forwaqrd to your blogging though i must warn you experiece tells me home is not always good for blogging.


Anonymous said...

Hey...get well soon! Didnt know your health was in such bad shape :( I cannot imagine how you could have weight to lose, skeleton that you were 3 yrs ago! Anyways,have a good time with family!


Prashanth said...

Studies => State College, Pennsylvania

Home => Chennai, India. Always!

Thanks for the wishes! And I've lost a fifth of my weight when you last saw me, thats how sick I am .

Anonymous said...

Wishing you a proper rest at home and a speedy recovery ...
Take care , God bless.

Sundeep said...

You know, the India trip might just do wonders not just for your health but also to help you "recharge your batteries" and get back to work with more zest.

I hope you have a ball in India.

The_Girl_From_Ipanema said...

Hey Prashanth
here after a long time- and sorry to read about the tough time your health is giving you. Good decision on the going home bit. Very smart. Take care, get lots of TLC and come back rejuvenated.
wish you a speedy recovery

Divster said...

shit, im in tears..

wat hav u done to urself, Prashanth. U r gonna get through this..and thats just it.. no more sorry faces..

now, all the troubles r over.. u hav to start off fresh and stand up.

:( i cant tell u how sad i feel at this moment...

Vc said...

Sp,,Get well soon da..
May the force be with you..

I'm sure the local chennai weather and your mom's cooking will make you feel better..

Prashanth said...

Thank you all for your wishes. Keep sending some prayers this way, I'm yet to make a complete recovery :)