Thursday, May 12, 2005

Down memory aisle

Now that college is over, I ran out of excuses for not cleaning up my room. And that too, my Mom insisted on a clean sweep: I had to clear out all my old stuff, either throwing them out or packing them up in cartons for stowing away in some corner of the house.

Let me tell you something about myself. I hate throwing away stuff. Especially books and any sort of written material. So I had to dig through a tremendous amount of junk lying around in several cupboards, right from my old school days. It was long, dusty work, but it turned out to be rewarding in its own way.

It was as though I were revisiting every stage of my life in slow motion. There was this cute little book on stars and planets that had gotten me interested in astronomy in class three. There was the magnetic pencil box that I thought was cool in class five. There was a ton of fact and puzzle books which I'd been crazy about right uptil class ten, books like "World Famous Supernatural Mysteries" and "World Famous Bank Robberies", and a funny book of "Amazing Knowledge" from which I'd learnt stuff like what a spoonerism is. There were books on Indian fiction for children published by CBT that I'd loved at one point of time. There was a file full of my answer papers to english exams: I used to be quite good at writing essays and interpreting literature and all that jazz. Perhaps I'll sit and read through them one day these hols.

Then there was a serious stage of my life. The "Applied Physics" textbook from which I prepared for that ill-fated speech on lasers (refer the post "No Fear"). An organic chemistry notebook taught by that prof who made terrible jokes like "In Loyola college, there are a lot of students with AIDS." (shocked silence) "I mean, Arrears In Different Subjects." (groans all around) There were notebooks on Calculus that I'd kept because I could never remember any of the formulae after I entered college. There were editions of the school newsletter for which I'd been editor.

Then, of course, comes college. I found the entries to the creative writing contest when I'd been coordinator. There was a textbook on control systems, the most horrible course I've ever undergone. There was a ton of intermediate drafts of my report for my internship at Hyundai Motors. There was an autograph of the lead singer of Mother Jane, whom I'd interviewed for the campus magazine when they performed at Saarang.

It's like turning the pages of a book, and reading the story of your life: the good parts and the bad. It left me with a kind of bittersweet feeling... I've done a lot of good things in my life; but if only I'd learnt my lessons earlier than I did....

I threw away a lot of stuff, but I think I kept more than I threw away. I guess I'm still not ready to let go of some things. There were a lot of factors in my upbringing that have made me who I am today. They are lying in 5 neatly packed cartons stowed into an overhead rack in my room. I bet I'll glance up there now and then, and think about what a naive little bookworm I used to be. And tell myself that I still am one.



Sappoux said...

hmm... someone said that he would give that motherjane autograph thingy to someone else who accompanied him that day...

Panch said...

nice post! I remember I used to keep quite a few things like that, but I'd lost quite a few of those in the process of shifting houses :(. Its funny, when you read through your old answer papers, you get to realize how nice the teacher actually was, while u thought u didnt get the marks u deserved then! But I guess, that may not be applicable to u anyway.

Vc said...

Hey kk.. I keep telling you that what you write .. most of the time reflects what you are...For example " I've done a lot of good things in my life; but if only I'd learnt my lessons earlier than I did...." what does this say about this young dude Prashanth ?

Hey Prashanth ,even i read these books "World Famous Supernatural Mysteries" and "World Famous Bank Robberies".
aaah those days..

Prashanth said...

@ Sappu
Actually I had misplaced it :) I finally found it now. I'll give it to you when we meet next...

@ Panch
Hey... in my case, the teachers went out of their way to not give me the marks I deserved because otherwise people would call me "teachers' pet" and all that. Do you know how much of praise they used to heap on me in private? On top of all the praise that you guys were in a position to hear...

@ Vc
Yeah, those were the days... Actually the most memorable one in that series was "World Famous Hoaxes".

@ Kirthi
Yeah, what does it say? I'm eager to know!

Kirthi said...

Why don't you go and write a book titled: "Blog-eye-view of a blogger's mind". I have no idea and I am not in a mood either.
Sorry to disappoint you on that account. My mom is the one who treasures my scribblings. She is the one who has filed my stuff for posterity. Of course, I do have a lot of stuff that my mom views as junk: sea shells, quartz rocks, stamps, coins, seeds, pista shells (I have a whole bag of them). How do I reach my bed? I just flit in and flit out!

Panch said...

i think u got me wrong pal. only the "you" in the last sentence actually meant you! the other "you"s in the previous line do not target you. infact it meant anybody but u.

Tipsy Topsy said...

I was a member of the CBT children's library in Delhi. My folks had work nearby and wold leave sis and me there . Sometimes they also left lunch. Lemon Squash in a bottle. hmmm.

5 cartons of stuff! I have hardly anything. loads of pics though :)

Juvenile Delinquent said...

I can so relate to this post... The prof. you mentioned was Govi, I presume?

Juvenile Delinquent said...

Ok... I just read that poetry exchange thingy at Niyati's blog. Man! Seriously brilliant! I can't write good verse even if I sit thinking for hours!

Prashanth said...

Of course it was the one and only Govi!

Tipsy Topsy said...

u refer to CBT books. Reminded me of my assocaition with it which was visits to the CBT library. My parents used to leave me there and go for work. they even packed picnic kind of food and left it with me.

of my own previous years, unlike u i do not have cartons full of stuff. but i have loads of pictures documenting various events of my life.

hope this helps explain my comment.

i agree about my post. it is rotten..i didn't want to publish it but had already spent time on it so i went ahead. i am also confused whether what i am experiencing is case speific or the general case of the world. i guess my bewilderment is reflected there.

Artful Badger said...

Hey, just happened to come by your blog from orkut. Nicely written. Also read the poetry part.
Hows life otherwise? Radhika told me you were coming to PSU ;).