Monday, May 09, 2005


So, finally... it ends. Five years of life in IIT... and such an anti-climax to it all... I mean, it should end with a party, not with a panel of profs bombarding you with questions.

As for how the review went... 5 profs locked me up in a room and attacked me for half an hour. I came out with holes in my shirt... I hadn't realized that facts and logic aren't good enough for body armour when you're trying to explain 8 months of work in 15 minutes (yeah, it was 15 mins presentation + 15 mins questions). When it took me 4 months to understand what I was doing, I don't know what made me believe that I could explain to someone else in 15 mins. I mean... sure, it was a barrage of questions, but they were *dumb* questions.

Still, preparing and presenting for the viva voce is a piece of cake compared to the marathon month of work that I had to put in for writing the thesis. After careful contemplation I have come to the conclusion that all people who want to do a Ph.D. / are doing their Ph.D. are MAD. Who in their right mind would go through that one more time... that too in much more excruciating length and detail? But sense has nothing to do with it... it's a challenge, and I'm game. So I think I'll take it up... PSU awaits me...

So, now that I spent the last one week day dreaming about what I should do when the hols start... I have finally come to the decision that I'm going to volunteer to continue working on the same project for GM over the next two months. I have some ideas to further my work... plus I feel an obligation to take the project beyond its present stage since I may not be joining GM to continue the work in an official capacity. Screwed up logic? Crazy idiot for giving up the hols for continuing to work on the same damn thing I've been working on for 8 months? Yes, and yes. What can I say, I'm incorrigible.

Anyway, I will be preparing hard for the junior bridge nationals on the 20th. But definitely I will be blogging more often now, and I promise I'll try not to say "thesis" or "project" again!



Vc said...

Congrats Dude!! GM and your GrandMaa will be proud.

Hey can we have some " gyan " on life & death and oh! throw in some " what women really want " stuff too .

Prashanth said...


Well, lemme try...

On Life: 42
On Death: sorry, I've never spoken to anyone who's been dead, so I have no fundaes
On Women: Phhbbbbbbbbbttt

Kirthi said...

Vc boy you are barking up the wrong tree. Poor kid give him a break... he has already had enough trouble cracking a few vivas and not mention a few female brains in his college life.

Vc said...

but but Kirthi, what about the Himalayas and the "gyan" and the other worldly stuff !!

Che che sour grapes !!!