Thursday, March 08, 2007

How deep-rooted are your prejudices?

A month ago, I was helping a friend pick some books from the library. I handed her Arrows of the Queen by Mercedes Lackey, and told her that the author's books make for fast and fun reading. And then I prattled on about Lackey being a slightly controversial author because her books are popular in the age 16-25 range, but the hero in one of her series is gay, and some parents spoke out against her "bad" influence on teenage kids.

To me, that was just a random piece of information - interesting, but irrelevant to enjoying a book. Kind of like if I was to say, Robin Hobb (or her other pen name Megan Lindholm or her real name Margaret Ogden) is slightly controversial because she has taken a stand against fan fiction. But my friend wore a look of consternation on her face and asked if there were any gay characters in this book. I assured her there weren't, and she did take the book home to read.

Last week, I was watching the Academy Award presentations, and one of the winners was a woman (I forgot her name) who, on receiving the statuette, proceeded to thank her wife and kids. My roommate sitting next to me put his hands to his temples and started shaking his head.

I never quite thought of it in this way before, but I do not consider homosexuality an unnatural thing. Does that mean there is something wrong with me, or with my friends? I guess I must be more tolerant and unprejudiced than I thought!

Thoughts, people?


Sakshi said...

I don't consider homosexuality unnatural either. But then to me anything that goes on between two consenting adults is normal..

And "That woman" was Melissa Etheridge!!

And just made a note to self, to read the author :)

Anonymous said...

That was Melissa Etheridge ...
who wrote the lyrics and also sang , "I need to wake up", for the documentary "An Inconvenient Truth" which also won Al Gore an award!

I have no problems with gays ...
but I sure understand that some have ... in the sense, I dont raise my eyebrows when someone expresses their dislike on the subject matter ...

However i would have been surprized if you had any issues here ... You are too cool and level headed for that!

Hope you have fully recovered from your sickness.

sensiblystoned said...

Hey SP, care to take a look at my blog. I think you might be interested.

PS: yeah i decided to make another attempt in continuing the blog.

Anonymous said...


Different people have various opinions on a variety of topics. You are not as tolerant as it appears since you seem to disapprove of these disapprovers. Each person is entitled to his/her opinions as long as they dont infringe on the lives of others with their opinions. So let the persons who dont want to read gay stuff not read them, who shrugs at same sex marriages shrug and believes in UFO believe :).

On a sidenote, drop a msg sometime soon. Need to catch up with you.


Artful Badger said...

If you have been following the news, a General got into trouble for saying that being gay was immoral. Atleast the US is kind of ok. Think about India. Even the mention of it is a no no.