Thursday, August 23, 2007

One liners

“Some are born great, some achieve greatness, and some have greatness thrust upon them.” - William Shakespeare, from Twelfth Night.

"Some are born humble, some achieve humility, and some have humility thrust upon them." - Prashanth Sriram, who always gains his wisdom too late.


Anonymous said...

"Some are born work horses, some work horses become Sorraia horses, and some work have work thrust upon them relentlessly." - Jyothsna Y who gains wisdom late but prefers to display her wisdom to the corner she lives in

Anonymous said...

*I mean some work horses have work thrust upon them...
a twitch influenced the error.:)

Princess Stefania said...

Late is the best way to have your wisdom. Life would hardly be any fun if you were born wise, now, would it?

Prashanth said...

Tough work week? :)

Your idea of fun is... is... hmmmm.... :)