Sunday, August 27, 2006

Some tests one can look forward to

Well, for once I don't mean tests in the sense of life's trials, but in the sense of an examination. Yes, although I am 23 years old, I am still studying and will do so for another three years at least, and I will have to take several exams during that time.

This week I have a big one: my Ph.D. Candidacy (Qualifying) Exam. The nice thing about studying in the US is that I have never dreaded a single exam here; they are just designed so well that I actually look forward to them. For example, this one is a week-long take home exam in which I have to choose three research problems out of twenty to work on. There is no possibility of cheating because there are no correct answers. There are no marks or grades, just a yes or no vote by the faculty as to whether they think I am competent enough to continue at Penn State. Preparation? Study everything. Or nothing. I naturally chose the latter.

These are real tests. This is as far from rote learning as it gets. This is the learn-by-doing and prove-by-doing method. People generally recommend a middle ground between the two, but in my opinion, this is an excellent testing scheme. Most of the exams I have taken here are open-book and many are take-home. I think it is a good test of intelligence, hard work, knowledge and intuition.

I'm not going to pretend that I'll be away from blogger during this time because I know I will take ample breaks: one week is a long time. Wish me luck!



Born a Libran said...

Here's wishing you all the luck you need...

Also, about the exam, sounds like fun... But I would like to see my adviser's face if I tell her I am not doing research for a week because I want to work on the exam...

The_Girl_From_Ipanema said...

best of luck man! i enjoyed studying for my quals and taking them too! but i won't lie, i was stressed as hell and had all these nightmares about being sent back home packing.
now now, not trying to freak you out. keep up the cool and do well!

Prashanth said...

Thanks all.

B-a-l, my advisor told me to take 2 weeks off from my research before the exam, as well as the week of the exam. What do you say to that? :)

Born a Libran said...

Damn, is it too late to change univs, advisers, et al...

P said...

Good Good Good Luck!

Prashanth said...



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Anonymous said...

Ohh this works! never occured to me!
Yey! Thanks!

Artful Badger said... of luck..

So when do they start..

The exam looks like decent fun..should be a great learning experience to answer the questions..

My quals were more exam based...3 hours..something like 6 questions..not too hard actually..

Artful Badger said...

So what are your questions?...

What area is it in?...

If they are intersting I dont mind having a go at them :)..

Prashanth said...

I took Intelligent Systems, Simulation and Distributed Control. This is probably the hardest exam I have ever taken. Pray for me....

Vc said...

psst done with your exams..come come lets play marbles..or bridge..or poker...come come

Artful Badger said...

..hmm..i guess you must be done with your exams by now..

so how did it go?...

the topics sound very generic to me..that kind of stuff is applicable to a million different things...

Artful Badger said...

i really don't think its just hard..
such exams are by defn. long as you do better than the others that good.. would be nowhere near the competition you would have gone through in IIT...

The_Girl_From_Ipanema said...

are u there? did u survive them? :-)

Prashanth said...

I'm alive, but just barely :)

I'll put up a quick post on it...