Wednesday, November 01, 2006

I'll never understand...

- How I can be an expert on cooking in theory (thanks to a lifetime's worth of influence of Tamil Nadu's foremost expert in the field) but suck at it in practice... big time!

- How I can consider it a compliment to be described thus: "Prashanth is a nice guy but very, very weird."

- Why there is a Northern Blot, a Southern Blot, and a Western Blot but no Eastern Blot. And the fact that none of those blots have anything do with the cardinal directions (they are names of experimental techniques in biology, for those who are wondering what on Earth I'm talking about).

- Why I do a lot of day-dreaming but little of regular, ol' fashioned night dreaming.

- How I can clench my teeth stoically at physical pain but cry like a baby when watching a sentimental movie.

- How I can be a systematic and analytical thinker when it comes to academics but keep messing up the mundane matters in life.

*sigh* What can I say, that's me.


Anonymous said...

very, very weird indeed! ;)

Anonymous said...

The Eastern Blot thingie sounds so much like discrimination....

Anonymous said...

Just to make it clear that we Biologist are weird - we name things after a person and then continue the series :)
SO there is a dude named Southern and opposite of his technique is Northern. And then it was followed by Western. If we come up another gel technique, it will be named .. you guessed it - Eastern :)
Not very imaginative folks ..

Anonymous said...

Prashanth is a nice guy .. weird!!??? i dont think so ...
now dont tell me you dont like that!!!

and thanks for a stray comment ... how could you not remember that place!!!

Anonymous said...

Yes Prashanth, how are you weird?

Prashanth said...

Hey, you're no better!!

BaL and Sakshi,
I had the feeling you guys would talk about the blot thingy :)

I like that as well :)

Come now, you know the answer to that question...