Monday, September 24, 2007

I wouldn't, either

Do you remember that scene in the movie American Beauty in which Kevin Spacey is at his self-deprecating best?

Guy: Hi, I'm X.
Spacey: Actually, we already met - at that Christmas party last year.
Guy: Ohhhh...
Spacey: Don't worry, I wouldn't remember me either.

Well, something similar happened to me today. The person was Girl In Stat Class, GISC for short.

Me: Actually, I'm headed to X Building in the west campus. I'm in the Industrial Engineering Department, you know.
GISC: Oh, then you must me knowing C...
Me: (sigh) Yes, you already told me, she's your neighbour.

I nearly wanted to add, "Yeah, I wouldn't remember talking to me either."

But it's even more sad because I'm quite sure I've done the same thing to other people on many an occasion. I just have a terrible memory for people-related things. In fact, I'm a terrible people-person, period. But that does not excuse such behaviour, now that I know how it feels to be at the receiving end.

Moral of the story? Pay attention to people. Be a better listener.

Hopefully I have learnt my lesson!


Thursday, September 20, 2007

Robert Jordan Dies

Robert Jordan, author of the Wheel of Time fantasy series, is dead. He had been suffering from amyloidosis, a blood disorder, for a while and us fans have been aware of it. Although he came under some flak for stretching the series t__h__i__n, I for one have enjoyed the Wheel of Time series and even re-read the entire thing this summer in anticipation of the last book (which, sadly, will never come now).

Here is the link to the NY Times article.

I am a big enough fan of Jordan that I mention him on my blog often, and not just on fantasy reviews, but even on other random ones.

Peace favour your sword.


Friday, September 07, 2007

Stepping out....

When I landed back in the US last month, I thought it would take a few days for me to get my affairs in order.

A few days passed and as I got a better idea of what I was facing, I began to think it would probably take a few weeks.

Now it has been almost three weeks and I have come to realize the full extent of what I can only describe as self-sabotage, committed in a period when I was depressed and distracted, and simply not myself. And I know it is not a matter of days or weeks but months before I can fix everything that is broken. It takes far longer to rebuild than it takes to ruin something.

I am going to throw myself into work for a few months, and will not be much hanging around any blogs during that time. I do hope to get a short story or two in. Please keep in touch by email / chat / phone in the meantime!
