Friday, September 16, 2005


One of my favourite "figments of imagination": things described in fantasy novels, is a people called the Aiel, in the Wheel of Time novels written by Robert Jordan. They are a peace-loving people keeping to a strict policy of non-violence; until circumstances force some of them to pick up spears in self-defence. Then they sunder into two groups: those who fight when they must, and those who keep to their true faith, the "Way of the Leaf". The latter group roam around the world repairing things for people in exchange for things they need; and looking for a song.

Looking for a song? What kind of song? What is about? They shake their heads and say they don't know, but they will know the song when they hear it.

How quaintly insane! Yet, in my eyes, no more insane than any of us who have a strong, if inexplicable, faith in something.

But of course, I'm not here to praise Jordan's creativity. The truth is that I, too, am looking for a song, but one that I know I am to find only within myself.

I speak of my desire to write a song rather than a poem; for what could be better than a union of melodious music and symphonic words? Yet I think I am incapable of composing music. Hence I am incapable of composing a song.

People have their talents and their limitations. Music and poetry are subjective; but I can at least make the words flow in harmony, in a way that I, myself, can appreciate, if not others. I have never been able to make music flow.

I know that people know that I have a poetry blog, but I also know that few have read all of my poems; mainly because my poems are recorded in a random order, and most of them are quite boring to the average reader. But I would like at least some of you to read the ones I think turned out well, so I am providing below links to a few of my favourites. It is unlike me to talk about my own work, leave alone ask others to read it; but consider this an earnest desire to share with my friends some things that I personally hold precious. I rarely re-read anything I write on this blog, but I do re-read my poems often.

One Moment in Time
Mirror of the Self
A Hint of a Tear
Every Single Day
Drown me with Words
Into your Eyes
What Matters?
Starry Starry Night



Anonymous said...

Believe me, I was so touched by emotions that I coudnt react in a knee-jerk fashion; so I went about doing my work. Now again I'm online and just putting my words...

Well, I just cannot critic this post; so to add ... As said; there's a subtle, elusive difference between mere 'existence' and 'LIFE' ; and the road travelled by millions is still different for each-one; and sometimes at crossroads we still have question on issues thought to be settled long back....

As you're aware, I too am on my very own quest ... The rebel in me; set out to ride against the tide. The faith in me; as the strongest oars against the roughest storm. The confidence in me; takes small beatings when I choose not to conform. But ...The joy in me; triumphs all ...making the journey worth the while....

Well i've read nearly all your poems, may I comment on 'em here??? You may transpose them whereever appropiate ..

had i not put my nick,
woudnt u have made out?

Prashanth said...

Of course I would make out. As surely as you would recognize my writing if you read it in the remotest corner of Africa.

You may comment anywhere you wish; like you pointed out earlier, since when have you conformed to dictates of society? ;)

And, please, respond blog on blog, email on email. Don't mix them up!

May your journey lead you to a warm, safe place....

Anonymous said...

Well Prashanth,
that first line did me a mile long
S - M - I - L - Eeeeeee

Weekend is busy...
so off I go ...

Artful Badger said...

I really liked 'Into your eyes'.
I seek out your eyes,
Those proud, happy eyes,
And I realize I already hold,
The biggest prize ever told.

And I stifle the next moan,
For I know I’m not alone.

Just curious, you wrote it in Feb 2005. Isn't that kind of after everything was over?

Prashanth said...

Hehe... Ramani seeks to draw my love life out in the open :) nice try dude... but both romantic poems in my archive ("Into your Eyes" and "A Hint of a Tear") are completely unrelated to my real life.

Artful Badger said...

Ha ha..cmon that was just a curious question..i thought it might have been written in the midst of deep emotion :D :D :D

Vc said...

Read all your fav poems.. liked the "Promises " poem.

Tell me do you write poems out of personal experiences or do you use your imagination or is it just the "write with the flow " kind of thing ? and boy are you romantic or what !! che I miss kk.. she would have pulled your ears..

Anonymous said...

Combination of all that!

(SP checks if his ears are still there)

Vc said...

The one time we have SP on the platter ... kk is missing .. Oye girl where are you !! Opportunity knocks only once... and we have time till this weekend..lets pull this guy apart !!

Anonymous said...

Love is not all: It is not meat nor drink
Nor slumber nor a roof against the rain,
Nor yet a floating spar to men that sink
and rise and sink and rise and sink again.

Love cannot fill the thickened lung with breath
Nor clean the blood, nor set the fractured bone;
Yet many a man is making friends with death
even as I speak, for lack of love alone.

It well may be that in a difficult hour,
pinned down by need and moaning for release
or nagged by want past resolutions power,
I might be driven to sell you love for peace,
Or trade the memory of this night for food.
It may well be. I do not think I would.