Tuesday, September 06, 2005

Fan, not fanatic

Most of the world doesn't understand how I can devour so many Science Fiction and Fantasy novels so fast - and movies as well. If one of my friends read a book or saw a movie belonging to one of those genres, and he (girls are usually not interested in scifi or fantasy) didn't like it, he would surely turn toward me and say, "But I'll bet you loved it."

How is a guy supposed to respond when judgement has been passed on him without hearing him speak or seeing him act? I find myself amused by the injustice of it. Just because I read every fantasy novel I can lay my hands on, it doesn't mean I love every one of them. In fact, I consider myself a bit of a connoisseur, in that having read so many, I have a keenly refined taste of which ones are really good and which ones are nice, but not great, and which ones are plain horrid.

If I find any listeners, I try to explain how vast these genres are, and how different the styles, objectives and paths of the authors are. But people have a tendency to stereotype genres, and to many people, all science fiction is nonsense. I think of ranting and raving at them, but then I bite my tongue. After all, how many times have I not tried out a particular movie, book, song, anything just because I don't like that particular genre? It's no crime. Or maybe it is all criminal, and I am guilty as well. The notion is very unsettling. If everyone around you goes and jumps off a cliff, you should still ask why, I said in my last post.

The last few good Sci-Fi movies I've seen are War of the Worlds; I, Robot; and Minority Report. The last few good Sci-Fi books I've read are Contact; The Dispossessed; and Timeline. I've written a review of Contact, find the link here.

I've been reading 4 fantasy novels a week for the past 3 weeks, and I've stocked up on 4 more for this week, so I don't want to comment on the fantasy genre now for I don't have the time to do justice to it. But surely, the Public Libraries here are a treasure trove. I could never find the books I wanted, back in India. Here, even if the library doesn't have a copy, they will buy it or get an inter-library loan for my sake, free of cost. Talk about paradise!



Vc said...

True the US lib are great! Even my sis keeps telling how well stocked they are ...Spee I would like to hear more of your views on Sci-Fi authors.

Artful Badger said...

Hmm..I used to be quite a science fiction fanatic. But, for some reason I used to like only Isaac Asimov. After reading Hitchikers.. I am a big fan of Douglas Adams. That's it. I have read pretty much everything Isaac Asimov has writted. Including his autobiography. I have read some Arthur C Clarke and Carl Sagan but didn't really take into it. It's genetic I think. My dad never liked Arthur C. Clarke or Carl Sagan that much. He used to have a lot of Isaac Asimov at home so.. .
As for using US libs. Never really read much after coming here. Sad. But, for some vague reason I can NEVER read borrowed books. I can but don't enjoy it that much. If I read a book I usually should own it. That's another habit - from my dear grandfather. :D.

Tipsy Topsy said...

I hope u r studying also :P

Anonymous said...

Fan not Fanatic:
I think the word "fan" is derived from "fanatic"; originally Latin "Fanaticus" ( inspired or possesed by deity or temple). But we use it attaching a "higher" degree of passion with the word fanatic; resembling radical, maniac, eccentric n maybe even a sinister aura. You even talk about being stereotyped; which though normal; maybe irritating ("girls are usually not interested in scifi or fantasy") Dont we see different types of advertisements on discovery, sports, sci-fi, history, movies, news or cartoon channels... its natural....
You seem to be irked... its just okay!!!

Well I got friends like you, voracious readers devouring sci-fi overnight! But I'm more of movies person ...n I liked ... War of The Worlds; Minority Report, I-Robot, Contact ... Though I'll add Apllo-13, Frankenstein (classic!), Manchurian Candidate in the fav. list.

I'll liked almost all "save earth" types: Armageddon, Deep Impact, Independence Day, Day After Tomorrow...
n Time-Travel types: Back to future, Terminator series, 12 Monkeys, Butterfly Effect ..
Some based on Phillip K. Dick novels: BladeRunner, Total Recall, Minority Report, Pay Check...
Some I disliked: Battlefield Earth, Solaris, AI

I loved Spiderman!!!

Anonymous said...

Don't worry *I SP probably intended to write that statement "girls are usually not interested in scifi or fantasy" for someone like me...talk about "stereotyping" he just 'generalised' and 'stereotyped' the entire womankind :P Mahila log did u hear that? Hamlaaaa

Vc said...

Spee you can also add that people without the Y-Chromosome are not good gamers. :)

Anonymous said...

Actually I find any type of stereotyping (gender, race, religion, ethnicity, nationality) very NATURAL! In "most" cases these stereotypical generalizations are reasonably accurate! Its a way the brain makes patterns in the buzzing confusion surrounding us: A Cognitive Adaptation!

In fact gender stereotype cuts across racial or national barriers. Men naturally love outdoor activities as much as women adapt to their role as home makers. Despite the fact that women today have forayed into every male-dominated sphere; still we can count the number of women Presidents or Prime-Ministers on our finger-tips. Need I say more?

Coming to sci-fi n fantacies ; I wonder how many are written by women? Just a handful. Remarkably imaginative female authors are just a few in in the male-dominated bastion.

So SP should be happy, for being suggested sci-fi.......and NOT books on embroidery. Though the frustation over people not being able to get an idea of his refined taste is also understandable.....

Prashanth said...

I will periodically put up reviews on the book review blog... and they will undoubtedly be science fiction or fantasy!

I am willing to bet that you cannot have read everything Asimov has written, as he is one of the most prolific writers in the history of mankind, apart from being one of my favourites! I, too, would place Asimov high above Carl Sagan and Arthur C Clarke. Btw, I stopped bugging you for your Asimov collection because I started making a collection myself... I have the entire Foundation series at home.

Not yet :) hopefully soon I'll start!

Prashanth said...

You need to know me better to understand my sense (or lack of it!) of humour. See, Kk latched on to it immediately... I was mainly teasing her with that "girls usually don't like scifi or fantasy" bit. Two of my favourite authors in these genres, Ursula Le Guin and Janny Wurts, are women!

Anonymous said...

Et tu Vc? Of course we play games. Not those crappy video games like pacman and mario.
Oye I totally agree with *I on the stereotype thingy. SP didn't I tell u once that its easier to discuss something with generalizations of course, with the ground rule that there are exceptions.
SP, So you just included that statement to incite me..wait u little brute.

Anonymous said...

hey I gotto admit, I liked the way you described being a connoisseur of sci-fi novels ...
Like a proficient prolific reader; who skillfully captures the intricacies and with the eye of an astute Pundit easily discern wheat from the chaff ... A type of critic who gives a sense of satisfaction to the good writers ...
Its like a wine connoisseur;
who beyond separating white from red; can point out fineries of Chordonnay, Pinot Noir, Merlot, Chianti ... to knowing flavour from different regions to France ... Bordeaux, Chablis, Champagne ...


Anonymous said...

Now coming to movies......
to me, what's more striking about the movie, " War of the Worlds" is the fact that thats its adapted from H. G Well's book written more than 100 years ago; in 1898.........thats way before all these alien attack or devastation movies like Independence Day or
Armageddon was conceived!!!

... and Prashanth; if you havent already seen; if possible try to see the movie "Frankenstein" based on Mary Shelly's novel which she wrote waaaaaaaaay back in 1817!!! See how the plot is relevant even today, now that cloning has become possible ! Its a classic!!!

Luckily yesterday I again saw "Contact" on TV.... after sooo many years! Beautiful movie.... and coming to I-Robot; its so plausible ...and even the plot of "Matrix" is so intriguing...

Just last year "Day After Tomorrow" was released; and the climatic changes due to global warming, bringing such catasthrophe seemed a far-fatched idea ...... till Katrina hit us...

I'm not ending with any conclusion.....
leave it on readers to draw......

Anonymous said...

....... Now I know I drifter from the main body of your post.....which was on intricacies of fantasy novels, and that you're somewhat irked by the stereotypical generalization of sci-fi/fantasy category.......

but then I always drift....that's me!!
But I did get a drift of what you were conveying..

Prashanth said...

To get an anti-view of "The Day After Tomorrow" read "State of Fear" by Michael Crichton. Very interesting book.

Deepti Ravi said...

and hence you be damned!! :) was not too impressed by war of the worlds.. felt it dragged toooooo much.. but its premise was fascinating! have you read h.g wells The Island of Dr.Moreau?? Its a fantabulous book!! and I have just started reading State of Fear.. read about 100 odd pages..and i strive and i strive, hoping to succeed!! :)

Anonymous said...

Now that two people have mentioned "State of Fear"; I get a tacit license to proceed further....

Come to the realm of "Conspiracy Theories" where the line between "fantasy" and "reality" is somewhat blurred ... and intially you may react as with total disbelief; but after sometime may react as....hmmmm...... its possible... At least a seed of doubt will be sown in the mind ...

Lemme touch some areas which I think might interest Prashanth:
(broad generalization...blame me)

- Conspiracy theories on AIDS:
This is to do with "eugenics" - to improve human hereditary traits by social intervention (reminds of "State of Fear") There is a wide section of people believing that AIDS disease was delibrately created by US govn.; to wipe out certain section of pop (mainly blacks n homosexuals) ... as a covert biowarfare campaign...

- UFO Conspiracy Theory:
That US govn has proof of alien visitation. UFO crash occured in 1947 in Rosewell, New Mexico ... and govn has made elaborate cover-up stories...

- Of course the assassination of J.F.Kennedy ... which till now remains a mystery....

hey prashanth; you can blame me for writing off-the-topic ...... but at least "SOMETIMES" I just expand the scope of it ...


sensiblystoned said...

hey SP, heres to all the fantasy and science fiction fans...cheers! i absolutely devour them. i started off with david gemmell and really thought he was something till I laid hands on a Feist. But, unfortunately like ramani I'd like own my books when I read them, so its taking a considerably longer time buying and reading them :)

Artful Badger said...

War of the worlds : Really didn't get the movie. There was nothing that really got my attention.

Conspiracy Theories : There is this concept called Occam's Razor which says that the least complicated theory consistent with facts is correct. Ignoring this can lead you to come up with fantastical theories. Intelligent design is a very good example. It isn't actually a theory as it cannot predict. So, it's nonsense. We agreed on that earlier. He he.

Prashanth said...

Don't worry, you're not alone in that! I'm the one who enjoys reading "weird" stuff! But no, I haven't read Island of Dr.Moreau.

State of Fear is a work of fiction, and meant to be read as one... though it does leave the message that the results of scientific research, which are often ambiguous, can be twisted by people in power to suit their purposes.

Let's raise a toast to Sci-Fi and Fantasy! Alas, too few who read this blog will join us, I know.

I think you must read the book to better understand the movie. But in any case what I appreciated about it is the absence of "heroic" action, but rather, a natural, realistic effort of a determined father; and the portrayal of "mob" behaviour and the breakdown of law and order in the face of disaster, driven by selfishness and to the detriment of the whole. Does the looting in the wake of Huricane Katrina not ring a chord with that thought? Grounded in fiction, developed realistically with that fictitious foundation - now that's a recipe for a good story, isn't it?

Artful Badger said...

Didn't think of it that way.

Anonymous said...

"State of Fear is a work of fiction, and meant to be read as one"...

Well okay!!! You sound annoyed.
I know what you're saying in your post; about intricacies of sci-fi'. I got lots of friends who got similar taste as yours; so I know exactly what you're talking about.

I just digressed; or expanded the scope to include some very intriguing controversy theories; which at first may seem just a flight of imagination; but if you dig into 'em; you may actually find them; not so ridiculous, or even credible. Esp. read the UFO-crash controversy in Roswell, 1947.

In fact; I think that fantacies haves played an important role in the progress of humankind. Walk on moon was a cherished fantasy just 50 years back. A few generations back, even the "idea" of televisions, cell-phone were pure "figment of imagination"; and now even cloning is a possibility... Talk about humans playing Gods!!! Three cheers for human "flight of fantasy"!!! Soon we might find anti-dote for aging and maybe challenging death... making colonies on Mars..... inter-planetary travels...

I just need an Alladin's lamp
and off I go to a Magic Carpet ride:
Love this song by Steppenwolf:

Well, you don't know what we can find
Why don't you come with me little girl
On a magic carpet ride
Well, you don't know what we can see
Why don't you tell your dreams to me

Vc said...

Sp who is this Intern * ??
Vc scratches his head...

Anonymous said...

She's a real Nowhere Gal,
Sitting in her Nowhere Land,
Making all her nowhere plans for nobody...

Prashanth said...

She's plain nuts... she puts even you to shame, Vc.

Anonymous said...

"She's plain nuts... "

Well that comment did bring some
S-M-I-L-E-S on this bad day...

But why PLAIN nuts?
Roasted n garnished is anytime better....
almonds, cashew, pistachios, pecan, Brazilian, hazel or even the humble peanuts ... sooo yum yum yummy!!!

Actually its been a 'not so good' day; so I can unwind myself in Prashanth's Blog, without *thinking* twice about offending him... I'm feeling really low...
cold wind
knocking at door
gazing at me n smiling...

Anonymous said...

where's you SP?

Anonymous said...

why the hell aint you replying?

Prashanth said...

Because it's plain impossible to frame a reply to certain things!

Anonymous said...

Thats no excuse!
Use yr fantasy!

But, dont you suggest that...
I left you speechless!!!

I'll soar to cloud 9


Anonymous said...

SP you have got to introduce me to *I.I have to learn so much from her.

Oh everytime she comments I bow my head in shame.. and yep I too feel that sometimes its just impossible to reply to some comments. HATS off.


Anonymous said...

fan not fanatic...

what about a fanatical fan???


Anonymous said...

hows you doing today....

have a good one....