Saturday, July 23, 2005

Spiritual but not Religious

I've noticed that a lot of people seem to use the words Spirituality, Religion and God as though you can't have one without the others. With regard to Spirituality, I put it down mostly to ignorance, for the western view of Spirituality seems inextricably linked to miracles and the Indian view is inseparable from the concept of God. Both views are wrong, and apart from the select clique who are actually experienced in the area, it is the Indian youth of today who is most favourably placed to understand the real meaning of Spirituality.

But first, let me distinguish between the concepts of Religion and God. Roughly speaking, Religion refers to one of the established doctrines describing the form and attitude of God, such as Islam, Christianity, Hinduism, etc. A religious person visits the places of worship of his God(s), prays regularly, and believes in the ideas contained in the holy book of his faith. We can extend this, perhaps, to a person who does not believe rigidly in one of these doctrines, but nonetheless believes that God exists, and answers the prayers of those devoted to him.

There are, however, a lot of people who believe that God exists, but are not in the habit of praying and don't fully believe that God takes the trouble to help out humans in distress, devotees or not. Let's call these people Theistic but not Religious. That leaves the Agnosts, who are not sure whether God exists or not, and the Atheists, who believe that there is no such thing as God.

Unrelated to one's theistic beliefs are one's spiritual beliefs. Generally speaking, a spiritual person is one who has no need for material things. A spiritual person is the type who derives satisfaction from lighting a lamp; peace from watching the clouds; joy from a child's laughter; and solace from within. I guess it is not easy to define spirituality as such, but I just want to point out that it is a separate concept from religion and God.

The link between Spirituality and Miracles does exist though. Of particular interest are the "Spiritual Theorists", who believe that there is a certain energy or vibration associated with every living being, and by manipulating or channeling this energy in the correct manner, one can achieve a lot that conventional science can only call Miracles.

Obviously, there is no scientific evidence for the existence of any such energy. History is scattered with examples of how patients pronounced as beyond help managed to recover after treatment through unconventional techniques such as Reiki or Pranic Healing, but there is still no incontrovertible evidence to prove that it was such healing techniques that did perform the healing. However, it is technically impossible to prove it even if they did, since it is widely known that the application of such techniques does not actually perform healing by itself, but merely strengthens the body's natural healing abilities, allowing it to rally itself back to normalcy.

An interesting by-product of this is the existence of an Aura, or a measurable field of this life-driving energy, about every living thing. For a while there was a ruckus created by the development of a machine called the Kirlian camera, that uses electrical discharges to take an outworldish snapshot of an object. The Kirlian camera pictures showed "auras" around living things alone, and the colour and size of the aura changed depending upon various conditions. This seemed to back up the Spiritual Theorists, as the aura of a person is supposed to change with one's health and mood, but the Scientists squashed it by showing that the images formed by the Kirlian camera were dependent upon the impurities present in the air, especially and including the volatile oils and compounds that rise from the skin of every living thing on the planet, and the variation in their strength and composition as a result of bodily responses to moods, ill health etc. are bound to get recorded by the Kirlian camera.

That, of course, still did not disprove anything. And Spiritual Theorists often go further and make claims regarding the nature of the soul, the possibility of placing curses, the ability of clairvoyance, etc. What is intriguing about this is the way in which everything is developed scientifically from certain unproved "First Principles", lending them more credibility than your local Samiyar or deeply religious Grandmother. Best of all, there is no need to bring in a God into any of these things.

As for me, I was born Agnostic, and I pooh-poohed all references to anything connected to spirituality for a long time. Until some unfortunate experiences led me to doubt the very edifice of my existence, Science itself. So I linger in doubt, and for the moment am content to let life lead the way for me, for that has been the way things have always been for me: my thoughts guide my life indirectly through my actions, but nothing ever seems to govern my life, for it always finds it own way.

Well, perhaps there is a way to make a Science out of Spirituality. Or perhaps I was right in the first place, and I was only imagining the things that so terribly shook me to the core. In any case, I will leave you with a joke to lighten the mood.

A priest was having a difficult conversation with a non-believer. The man refused to believe in God at all, and said, "Show me a Miracle and perhaps then I will show Faith." The priest replied in frustration, "Why would God show you a Miracle unless you show faith?"



Anonymous said...

God will not prove his existence because with proof there is no faith and without faith there is no god.
Picked it from somewhere I dont remember.

Self Writeous said...

Your take on religion mostly goes well with me, except the point where you say that the western view of spirituality is enmeshed with miracles. Many a religion, some which owe their origin and nerve-centres to the west also advert to miracles, so much so that miracles are a must in Christianity to ascribe to Sainthood, not to mention are wide spread in Hinduism. However Islam and Buddhism donot overtly talk about miracles.

I also think you have tried to cast spirituality into a very rigid mould. Spirituality has more to it than merely miracles. Spirituality is about attaining inner peace, it is about elevating one's mental self above the mundane everyday life and seeing the world in a self-relinquishing way, albeit for limited duration and it is about being able to connect with a higher sense of intelligence and these things have nothing to do with miracles.

My 2 cents ( Lotsa words ... I'll say my 2000 yen :-p )

Prashanth said...

Huh? There's another SP here!

Thanks for the nice quote, anyway!

Prashanth said...

I admit that I did narrow the definition of Spirituality to suit my purposes on this article. But I can see that I have done one other thing wrong here... I actually wanted to convey that Spirituality has nothing to do with miracles, but it looks like I've ended up doing the reverse. *Sigh* I'm too tired to rewrite the post, so I'll try to spar as best as I can in the comments section at least.

Kirthi said...

It is surprising how most people who are not religious do not know the difference between agnosts and atheists. Further it surprises me that more men than women fall into either categories when, actually if you look back, history is replete with examples of how women were oppressed under the aegis of religion.

Anonymous said...

Very close to my heart...
and I'm not contradicting you;
just adding my own two bit...

Believe in God - Yes!
Believe in religion - NO!

Religion n scriptures are man's quest to understand things that normally doesnt make sense. Pagans generally worshipped nature. Later organized religion became dominant; but never beyond questioning; even the Gospels contradict! But importance of religion cannot be denied, as it gives HOPE , peace and calm in many people and unites them.

There's another group of people who seek God through science; through "God's natural law". "God's handwriting is visible in nature", in the laws of physics. Leonardo Da Vinci, Einstein ( "God does not play dice with the Universe") belong to this group...

Miracles, is something I've never understood, Mother Teresa cured a woman of abdominal tumour. How? Miracle!

Miracles makes me wonder is there a "Unified Theory" of religion. As Einstein proposed that a general law can be established that unifies distinct forces of nature; and scientists are still working towards it. Maybe someday humans will develop a unified explain God, Universe,Science, religion, soul, miracles....

However off late new religion of SCIENTOLOGY is creating waves. It is religion based on science; and deals with DIANETICS- science of mind. The idea being that mind is a potential superhuman being; beset by invaders and parasites. Deep seated emotional scars are like onions with many layers to be peeled to reach the core. Once you identify this problem problem, it can be cleared....

Meditation theories, Yoga, Kabbalah, Zen ... all are attempts to seek "spiritualism"...

* sorry too long...
but again good topic and great content....

Anonymous said...


sorry for ignoring your question on my name...(HOH blog); just that it will be in the best interest of a few to call me just "Intern" ..
Contradict or support or ignore my views , thats just fine ...


Anonymous said...

I would go by understanding God as The One, the Absolute, the Supreme; omnipotent, omnipresent, omniscient...

But this notion of ONE does not go well with multiplicity of religions monotheism (Christianity, Judaism or Islam) or polytheism (Hindusim). I find discovering "One Supreme" through science or in "laws of Nature" more logical... here rather theory that God created man, I would go be Darwin's theory of evolution ...

SPIRITUALISM: deals with inner growth, transcendental experience, beyond material existence, beyond ordinary experience...
Here i would go by HOH's explanation...


Vc said...

Sp .. clap clap.. but you must explain a bit more so that lesser mortals like me can elevate one's mind.. ohmmmmmmmmm....

Anonymous said...

I've been way to serious.

Now time to talk about magic, spells and Vodoo dolls! Just some incantations, potions, rites, invocations and you get power over natural world. If you have any desires - health, money, love, sex, job, car, travel - try witchcraft!


Sundeep said...

i guess the definition of spirituality you have given here is a bit narrow. Every religion has to have some kind of a spiritual aspect in it(not necessarily having to do with miracles). I guess it has to be this way because otherwise, the purpose of the religion appears shallow and its various rituals will seem purposeless.

Prashanth said...

Interesting observation... I need to think upon it!

I can speak for hours on this topic but a blog ain't the place to go depper than I already have!

Agreed. I'm in the process of editing my post, I've made some fundamental errors in it. I doubt if many people are going to notice it, but, hey, I don't want to give anyone the chance to say I'm insular.

Prashanth said...

Well, what can I say!?? You've said it all :D

But it's nice to know that there is somebody out there who thinks like me in a lot of things... mostly I'm the guy who gets contradicted all the time!!

Do keep visiting!

Prashanth said...

Ok, I've made some changes... hope it makes more sense now.

Anonymous said...

Yeah Prashant its nice to know someone who adheres to the same line of thinking....

I saw the changes you made, and again, I'm not contradicting you, but just adding:

MIRACLES: Miracles are events that violate the laws of nature or the supernatural.

Some incidences called "unnatural occurances" once; have later been explained as science developed. As once before mental diseases were discovered; epilepsy and schizophrenia were taken as devils or demons; and exorcism was used. Unusual lights were deemed miracles once; but later explained as comets n meteors. Even the split of Reed Sea(Exodus) can be scientifically explained now...

But some miracles still go unexplained... Like stories of Jesus healing lepers, crippled n blind; infusing life in dead, changing water to wine .... If these happened way back and we got no proof.... then Mother Teresa's miracle is yet another example.

SPIRITUALISM: basically deals with inner peace (explained earlier)
Spiritualism can be attained through religion or without it. People use different meditative techniques to find inner peace. Though these may not necessarily be religious, but many have origin in religion. Zen (Buddhism), Yoga (Hinduism), Kabbalah (Judaism); though I am not aware that Reiki has religious origin. Now Scientology (developed by L.R.Hubbard) is a religion of science.

having said that, lemme again say;
I agree with your central tenet:
A person can be spiritual without being religious.

* Intern.

btw, how's cooking progressing?
I posted a comment there...

Prashanth said...

Yes, I posted my reply there...

And Reiki and Pranic Healing do not have their roots in religion. Actually, another point in the favour of the Spiritual theorists is that the above two healing paradigms developed independently but have a lot of fundamental things in common.

My school forced us to spend 15 minutes in meditation every morning before beginning classes. Never realized the value of it until later. Even after realizing it, I don't spend any time in meditation today. Do you know why? I'm afraid.

It's hard to explain. Lets leave it at that.

Anonymous said...

SP why are you called Zombie by your classmates ??


Prashanth said...

'twas my nick in IIT... I guess my manner of walking, talking, etc. which I call "relaxed", my friends call "half-dead" :)

Anonymous said...

*On a "NOT" serious note *

Talks on God takes me to the devil...
Are you aware of the concept of "backtracking" or "backmasking"?????

Most famous example being "stairway to Heaven" by Led Zeppelin....


Prashanth said...

Actually, yes. One of the consequences of being an amateur quizzer... I've HEARD about a lot of things, but if you ask me any specifics, I'm at a loss.

Anonymous said...

Though i have written more than enough, but I'm writing again; cause I got spare time and this topic "God, religion n spirituality" is close to my heart...

As I've written earlier, God to me is The ONE, The ABSOLUTE, The SUPREME ...

We as humans are limited by our senses. We can - see, hear, taste, smell n feel - only within a finite range. Nature has made other animals better equipped than humans; with dogs having 220 million smell receptors against 5m in humans, bats-dolphins hear ultrasonic vibrations, gift of far-sightedness to hawks n eagles....
the point I'm making is that nature has much more than humans-senses allows us to explore... YES humans are blessed with a more evolved brain; but even this brain-power has limits and till now we have not uncovered secrets of nature...
With our limited senses-n-brain; we try to comprehend the God as infinite, the unlimited, the omnipresent, omnipotent, omniscient ...

Another aspect of humans; is the natural tendency to speak of GOD as if HE is a magnified creature - with human like characteristics - gets happy, angry, merciful, revengeful... Known as Anthropomorphism (I mentioned this concept earlier) As Freud said, man created god as his own image....

Most religions talks of God as the ONE, but then the concept of "human-like-deity" comes... who is full of "human-values" ...
and here's where I start being a "non-believer"(the way this term is intrepreted) ....
For me God is constant and HIS values does not change as religious values keep changing; once slavery was accepted or women were considered inferiors.... These are but human intrepretations of God and HIS world ...

Einstein said..." I am deeply religious non-believer ... This is somewhat new kind of religion".

So I am not a typically religious person and dont I believe in many religious customs; but at the same time, I understand the importance of religion in human society. Religion gives hope, peace, unites people and mostly subscribes to values which are conducive to the smooth running of our society. So once in a while I pray, observe festivals.. more for keeping our customs n traditions alive...

But for me the proof of God lies in the mysteries of nature....
I got my SOUL which is one of the most fascinating gifts of nature...


Prashanth said...

She writes an essay an calls it "a few words" !!

Loved it, anyway... and agree as well. I, too, celebrate festivals and observe traditions, mostly because it involves no major sacrifice on my part and my parents want me to. But another reason is that there is usually some significance to them: either in a direct manner for the common man, or for the overall good of society, or at least as a symbol. I touched upon this briefly in the comments section of a prior post (Of Astronomy and Astrology); check it out, I think you will find it interesting: